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作品由高度約15公尺的圓頂天花板巨蛋空間、架於其空中的橋,以及與橋相連的全長約170公尺迴廊所 ... | 日月潭‧原森林民宿-sunmoonlake yuan forest homestay日月潭原森林民宿是清境黃慶果園新開張的民宿,位於日月潭旁寧靜自然的森林中,交通方便就在中潭公路旁,距日月潭僅1km。

| The Central Hardwood Forest Conferences: 1976-1999 : Title, ...Modeling forest landscape change in the Ozarks : guiding principles and preliminary implementation . ... Bowersox , T. W. , G. L. Storm , and W. M. Tzilkowski .Ecological Foundations for Fire Management in North American ...Swetnam, T.W.; Baisan, C.H.; Kaib, J.M. 2001. Forest fire histories in the sky islands of La Frontera. In: Webster, G.L.; Bahre, C.J., eds. Changing plant life of La ...Vegetation Dynamics on the Mountains and Plateaus of the American ...U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-18, Rocky ... Southwest Nat 36:37—48 Swetnam TW (1987) Western spruce budworm outbreaks in ... In: Webster GL, Bahre CJ (eds) Changing plant life of La Frontera:  ...
