on top of something中文

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關於「on top of something中文」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:

on top of sth 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 - Cambridge Dictionaryon top of sth. B2. in addition to something, especially something unpleasant. 除( 尤指令人不快之事)之外(還). We missed our flight, and on top of that we had ...on top of something中文,on top of something是什麼意思,on top of ...on top of something中文除(尤指令人不快之事)之外(還) …,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋on top of something的中文翻譯,on top of something的發音, ...DNV GL - Energy (@DNVGL_Energy) | Twitter@DNVGL_Energy hasn't Tweeted yet. Back to top ↑. Loading seems to be taking a while. Twitter ...Wear OS by Google Smartwatch (was Android Wear) – Apps on ...評分 3.7 (235,301) · 免費 · AndroidThe Wear OS by Google app, previously Android Wear, syncs your smartwatch and phone so you can get more out of your watch. Get proactive help from your ...Wear OS by Google Smartwatch (was Android Wear) - Apps on ...評分 3.7 (235,366) · 免費 · AndroidThe Wear OS by Google app, previously Android Wear, syncs your smartwatch and phone so you can get more out of your watch. Get proactive help from your ...6個簡單片語英文活起來-戒掉爛英文|商周2011年10月20日 · Stay on top of something指一直努力表現到最好,想把英文講好,也可以說成是Stay on top of English at work。

又或者:I've been working very ...trending search terms - Google TrendsSomething went wrong. Please try again in a bit. Read more. arrow_forward. Show ...【實用】drop someone off / drop by / drop-in 輕鬆學會八個drop 常見 ...2016年9月1日 · drop someone/something like a hot potato 馬上擺脫、放棄燙手山芋 ... Android 版本:http://goo.gl/R27U8K ▷ iOS版本:http://goo.gl/T9a5u9.Alps Alpine – Electronic Components and Automotive InfotainmentAlps Alpine is evolving into an Innovative T-shaped Company and aims to bring comfort and enrichment to society by continually creating new value.URL shortening - WikipediaURL shortening is a technique on the World Wide Web in which a Uniform Resource Locator ... On Twitter and some instant messaging services, there is a limit to the number ... Some shortening services, such as goo.gl, tinyurl.com, and bit.ly can ... long URL is associated with a unique key, which is the part after its top-level ...
