Thank you for your participation in the conference
文章推薦指數: 80 %
Thank you for your participation in the conference, which was very successful joining over 300 participants from 28 countries. We have had three very rewarding ... Thank you for your participation in the conference, which was very successful joining over 300 participants from
- 1常聽到的英文簡報開場白“Thank you for your coming”,其實說 ...
(X)Thank you for attending. (X)Thank you for your attendance. 這兩句話在文法上雖然OK,但句意冗贅。attend的意思 ...
- 2Thank you for your participation. - 海词
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供Thank you for your participation.的在線翻譯,Thank you for your participation.是什麼意思,T...
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We were blown away by the record number of participants and I want to thank every single one of y...
- 420 Professional Ways to Say Thank You in Business English - FluentU
- 5I. APPRECIATION Thank you for your active participation and ...
Thank you for your active participation and inputs. • THANK everyone for bringing their expertise...