WIF Definition - Meaning of WIF - InternetSlang.com

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So now you know - WIF means "With" - don't thank us. YW! What does WIF mean? WIF is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the WIF ... InternetSlang.com Home Random TrendingTerms Suggestions ContactContact Link(1) ContactLink(1)Link WIF - InternetSlang.com Theslangword/acronym/abbreviationWIF TrendingNow TopTenmostpopularslanglookupstoday  1.YESH 2.BRB 3.LAA 4.EMO 5.KTBFFH 6.P2C2E 7.WDYWTA 8.GPWM 9.OPK 50MoreTopTerms...   WhatdoesWIFmean? ThiscouldbetheonlywebpagededicatedtoexplainingthemeaningofWIF(WIFacronym/abbreviation/slangword). EverwonderedwhatWIFmeans?Oranyoftheother 9309 slangwords,abbreviationsand acronymslistedhereatInternetSlang?Yourresourceforwebacronyms,webabbreviationsandnetspeak.   All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Other WhatisWIF? WIFis"With"  WIFDefinition/WIFMeans ThedefinitionofWIFis"With"  TheMeaningofWIF WIFmeans"With"  Sonowyouknow-WIFmeans"With"-don'tthankus. YW!   WhatdoesWIFmean?WIFisanacronym,abbreviationorslangwordthatisexplained abovewheretheWIFdefinitionisgiven.   All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Other Othertermsrelatingto'with': ·212 Speakwithsomeone ·3WHEELIN Drivingwithonewheelofftheground ·:') Cryingwithjoy ·:{) Happywithamoustache ·AAWY AndAlsoWithYou ·ACAPELLA Vocalmusicwithoutinstruments ·AWOL AbsentWithoutLeave ·B) Smileywithsunglasses ·BEAR Largemanwithbodyhair ·BFFWB BestFriendForeverWithBenefits ·BFWB BestFriendWithBenefits ·BNWOT BrandNewWithoutTags ·BNWT BrandNewWithTags ·BTWITIAILWU ByTheWay,IThinkIAmInLoveWithYou ·BTWITIAILWY ByTheWay,IThinkIAmInLoveWithYou ·BUTTERFACE AWomanWithAnAttractiveBodyButAnUglyFace ·BWL BurstingWithLaughter ·BWM BisexualWhiteMaleBearWithMe ·CLWY Can'tLiveWithoutYou ·COMMANDO Withoutunderwear ·CUWYL CatchUpWithYouLater ·CWD CommentWhenDoneCringe,Wither,DieChronicWastingDiseaseChicksWithDicks ·CWYL ChatWithYouLater. ·DGTWM Don'tGoThereWithMe ·DWI Dealwithit ·DWL DyingWithLaughter ·DWTS DancingWithTheStars ·FACEPALM Slapforeheadwiththepalmofyourhand ·FAFWOA ForAFriendWithoutAccess(whenabouttoaskasillyquestion) ·FFWF FightFireWithFire ·FWP FriendWithPrivileges ·FWT FlyingWithTurban ·FWU
