Glug in a sentence
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8 sentence examples: 1. One jumps into the pond. Glug, Glug! five green frogs, On a little log. 2. One jumps into the pond. Glug, Glug! one ... Home>Gluginasentence Gluginasentence up(0) down(0) Sentencecount:8Posted:2017-10-02Updated:2017-10-02 Similarwords: glum, glue, glut, glued, gluey, lug, gluten, glumly. Meaning: v.makeagurglingsoundasofliquidissuingfromabottle. Randomgoodpicture Notshow 1.Onejumpsintothepond.Glug,Glug!fivegreenfrogs,Onalittlelog.2.Onejumpsintothepond.Glug,Glug!onegreenfrogs,Onalittlelog.3.Onejumpsintothepond.Glug,Glug!sixgreenfrogs,Onalittlelog.4.Onejumpsintothepond.Glug,Glug!twogreenfrogs,Onalittlelog.5.Onejumpsintothepond.Glug,Glug!threegreenfrogs,Onalittlelog.6.Onejumpsintothepond.Glug,Glug!sevengreenfrogs,Onalittlelog.7.Onejumpsintothepond.Glug,Glug!eightgreenfrogs,Onalittlelog.8.Onejumpsintothepond.Glug,Glug!fourgreenfrogs,Onalittlelog. Moresimilarwords: glum, glue, glut, glued, gluey, lug, gluten, glumly, plug, slug, glucose, glutted, glutton, glucagon, gluttony, unplug, lugger, deluge, plugin, glutinous, glutamate, gluttonous, earplug, plugged, plugaway, luggage, slugger, deglutition, agglutinate, slugging. Total 8,30 Perpage 1/1 Leaveacomment Welcometoleaveacommentaboutthispage! Yourname: Submit LatestcommentsIntothecommentpage>> Morewords putonairs (25) gully (63+1) lookupon (49+4) grains (250+6) glide (129+1) grasping (138+1) globular (85) grammatical (275+6) gaseous (153+2) enigmatic (74+2) insensibly (19) illogically (14) irrationally (21) taxreturn (60) ouster (19) instability (156+6) jab (55+2) ravish (31) stickitout (26) penetrating (261+4) ">
- 1Glug Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
... a gurgling sound (as of liquid issuing from a bottle with intermittent partial air blockage) ...
- 2Glug in a sentence - Foboko
Glug in a sentence | glug example sentences · Another icey stare over a glug of gin. · What broug...
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glug的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to drink something in large mouthfuls: 2. (of a liquid) to make a sound when pou...
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8 sentence examples: 1. One jumps into the pond. Glug, Glug! five green frogs, On a little log. 2...