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oof. oof用法一. 用作名词的意思:. 1.现钞,钱. 用法及例句: He's living like a fighting cock and rolling in oof.他现在过得很舒服,有很多钱。

2.[拳击用语] ... YIYM俚语网 俚语oof的意思解释和用法例句 14,476次阅读 O-oof oof oof用法一 用作名词的意思: 1.现钞,钱 用法及例句:He’slivinglikeafightingcockandrollinginoof.他现在过得很舒服,有很多钱。

2.[拳击用语]力量,威力 用法及例句:Heusedeveryounceofhisoof.他使出了浑身力气。

3.酒的效力或效应(俗称劲道) 用法及例句:Thisstuffreallyhasoof.Howoldisit?这东西的确很有劲道。

它是几年醇的? oof用法二 用作感叹词的意思:(腹部受击发出喊痛的叫声)啊唷!:”Oof!”criedTom.Hecouldn’ttalkanymoreafterthat.”啊唷!”汤姆喊了一声。


英汉词典参考:  oof 分类目录:加拿大俚语、南非俚语、新西兰俚语、澳大利亚俚语、爱尔兰俚语、美国俚语、苏格兰俚语、英国俚语 前15个俚语 •oodles•ooch•Onyourbike!•onwheels•onsomebody'swatch•onvelvet•onone'suppers•ontopof•ontop•ontick•onthewarpath•onthewagon•ontheuptake•ontheup-and-up•ontheturf 后15个俚语 •oof-bird•ooftish•oofus•oofy•oogle•oogley•oohandah•oojah•ook•ooky•ooly-drooly•oomph•oomphgirl•oonchook•oont 标签云 about all an and around as ass at back bag ball be big blow blue box boy by can cold come cut dead do dog double down drop eye face five for from get give go good half hand hard hat have head hell high hit horse hot house in into is it job joint juice kick knock like make man me money monkey mouth no nose not of off old on one out over play pull put red right run shit somebody something stick take that the throw time to top two up water way what with you your 友情链接 上海外教 俚语英文索引:A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z YIYM俚语网,英语俚语专业网站:美国俚语网,英国俚语网 Copyright©2021 16/0.247
