Bloomberg Billionaires Index - Steve Ballmer
文章推薦指數: 80 %
Ballmer is the former CEO of Microsoft, the world's biggest software maker. He stepped down in 2014 and remains a shareholder in the Redmond, ... We'vedetectedunusualactivityfromyourcomputernetwork Tocontinue,pleaseclicktheboxbelowtoletusknowyou'renotarobot. Whydidthishappen? PleasemakesureyourbrowsersupportsJavaScriptandcookiesandthatyouarenotblockingthemfromloading.FormoreinformationyoucanreviewourTermsofServiceandCookiePolicy. NeedHelp? ForinquiriesrelatedtothismessagepleasecontactoursupportteamandprovidethereferenceIDbelow. BlockreferenceID:
- 1steve ballmer 完整報導- Engadget 中文版
steve ballmer articles, stories, news and information. ... Steve Ballmer:沒錯,Stephen Elop 是Microso...
- 2史蒂芬·巴爾默- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
史蒂芬·安東尼·巴爾默(英語:Steve Anthony Ballmer,1956年3月24日-),2000年1月至2014年2月擔任微軟公司執行長,現為洛杉磯快船隊擁有者。
- 3Bloomberg Billionaires Index - Steve Ballmer
Ballmer is the former CEO of Microsoft, the world's biggest software maker. He stepped down in 20...
- 4掌權微軟13 年,Steve Ballmer 的功與過
在他擔任CEO 的時候,微軟面臨著聯盟政府和20 多個州政府的反壟斷訴訟。Bill Gates 的態度一直是鬥爭而非和解。在上任後, Steve Ballmer 把訴訟和解視為 ...
- 5Steve Ballmer named CEO - Stories - Microsoft News
Steve Ballmer became Microsoft's second CEO, succeeding Bill Gates, who hired him in 1980 as the ...